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People Change Fundamentals

People Change Fundamentals

Why did we create the People Change Fundamentals 101 course?

Inspiring change is no easy feat. As a change practitioner, you’re working directly with people, wherever and however you find them in the workplace. Some people may be thriving, others barely keeping it together. And your job remains, to inspire change.

Our mission at Harmonising Change has always been to inspire change from the inside out.

Over the years, we’ve partnered with businesses, across various industries, to build agile, sustainable cultures that are open to transformation and growth. Now, we wanted to create a Change Fundamentals course that is accessible to anyone – from business owners to managers and even to the very people they serve to influence. 

Through the course, we work to educate and empower participants to remain responsive to an ever-changing world. They’re taught practical skills and methods for implementing and dealing with change. They’re also given the opportunity to bring their own challenges to the session as a case study to work through. Each course attendee is given a detailed workbook and a tool that will continue to support them on their change journeys.

By making change principles more widely accessible, we aim to dispel myths and negativity associated with transformation. Positive change is so often met with resistance and negative perceptions which unnecessarily derail change efforts within the workplace. Our mandate is to inspire and empower ambassadors for change who would work to build perceptions of change that inspire positive attitudes and successful outcomes. 

During the month of May, Harmonsing Change is offering a launch discount of up to 50% for the first 200 delegates that sign up for the People Change Fundamentals 101 course. 

If you’re curious about the possibilities of change, then the PCF 101 course is for you!

Comment down below or sign up at to book your spot! 

Sign up here today! Limited spaces available.


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