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Change Navigators, Inspiring Harmonious Change.

Change Navigators, inspiring harmonious change.

According to The 2020 Pulse, ‘The beginning of a new decade is ushering in a world full of complex issues that require organizational leaders to reimagine not just the nature of work, but how it gets done.’ This report also notes that instead of just embracing change, organisations are looking to rebuild their business from the ground up to ensure that ‘agility and creativity’ become part of the organisation’s DNA. 

We find ourselves in a world where change strategies are on ‘fast forward’. People are being forced to adapt, transform and survive or simply put, step aside. Resistance to transformation and innovation strategies is met with little patience from company leaders who are desperately trying to map out new business plans to survive the ‘new normal’. 

In this real life case study of crisis management, we’ve realised that organisations across the globe, treat change as an aspect of business that is embraced on a project by project basis, and not as an agility strategy which forms part of its core business functions. Chris Howard of Gartner poses an important question for businesses in his ‘Reset Your Business Strategy in COVID-19 Recovery’ article: “As we recover from this crisis, do we want to be different — and if so, how?”

Harmonising Change is working to seek out and partner with organisations to future proof their change and people management strategies, ensuring that agility and resilience is built into their DNA. As we embark on this journey, it is important to note that in order to create agility and resilience to the external, and internal forces at play, businesses need to invest in their people.

Change is individual and as such we’ve looked to develop a toolkit of avatars that target various roles and change navigators within each environment. If we’re going to build transformation into organisational DNA, we need to make sure that every single employee is accounted for, represented and included. Through these avatars, we hope to effectively communicate with and inspire positive attitudes to harmonious change.

Introducing the Harmonising Change: Change Navigators.

Change Navigators

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