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Building Intentionally Better Businesses

Building intentionally better businesses

At Harmonising Change, we aim to work with organisations to intentionally build better businesses. Businesses who believe that change is good for them. Businesses that invest in their people embarking on change journeys. Businesses that understand that there is a ‘people’ side to change.

Build Better Businesses


There’s more to change than business leaders who communicate a vision and walk the talk in order to make change efforts succeed. According to a Harvard Business Review, two out of three transformation initiatives fail.  

Why? Change is hard, and is experienced differently by different people. This is the one aspect of transformation that businesses so easily overlook, resulting in strategies that fail to achieve their objectives. 

So let’s briefly look at how to structure a transformation journey:

Aspire Through Change


  • Be really clear about what you’re doing by continuously sharing vision and strategy
  • Create a convincing argument around the change intention that will encourage engagement and adoption across the organisation.
  • Clearly define measurable targets and milestones so that achieving success becomes attainable.


  • Create a clear plan that demonstrates a clear understanding of why people have to change and how this will impact them individually.
  • Ensure that systems and processes are in place to enforce a new set of behaviours
  • Identify positive change champions that could positively influence the transformation, role-modelling behaviour that colleagues will trust and aspire to.


  • Embark on the journey with a big burst of enthusiasm and encouragement. Focus on maintaining momentum, energy and confidence through the change journey.
  • Identify quick wins that will boost morale and celebrate these successes.
  • Make tough decisions on negative derailers and influences by setting a precedence that this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated.


  • Throughout the change journey, work to build skills to develop and identify leaders. 
  • To make sure you’ve got your best talent focused on the most critical issues for the business and reward their hard work.

Structuring a change and having a clear plan in place is essential to any transformation journey. Preparing for moments of challenge means that the business will very seldom be left in a situation that may lose confidence of the employees as they transition. This structure also reinforces the businesses consideration of the people side of change, as they work to support this transformation.

Email us on or Contact Us to find out more about our People Change Management services.

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